Dr. Agus Masrianto
Metro TV, Media Group Network, Jakarta, Indonesia
Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
Hello and welcome! My name is Dr. Agus Masrianto. I am a Doctor of Management and Business, and I’m a lecturer, guest speaker, trainer, and also strategist with a strong background in statistics, media, marketing, and business management.
With more than 20 years of experience as a professional in business and management, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make a successful collaboration in business and academic research.
A strategist with a strong background in statistics, media, marketing, and business management.
Digital marketing is a marketing technique using digital media that can reach consumers at the right time, personally, and relevant to their needs. Digital marketing is often also referred to as ‘online marketing, ‘internet marketing, or ‘web marketing. The term digital marketing has become the most common term, especially after 2013 along with the growing use of communication and information technology. Sathya (2017) states that digital marketing is a general term for marketing products or services that use digital technology, especially products or services that use digital technology, mainly on the internet, but also includes mobile phones, display ads, and other digital media. This gives companies the ability to reach consumers or clients by building innovative practices and combining technology with traditional marketing strategies (Gibson 2018).
A basic understanding of the meaning of digital marketing needs to be emphasized because it is sometimes equated with electronic commerce (e-commerce) and also the digital business. Chaffey and Smith (2017), provide several definitions that need to be understood to further clarify the role of digital marketing:
Based on research by Taiminen and Karjaluoto (2014) and Coman et al. (2020), the benefits and advantages that can be achieved from digital marketing are as follows:
Until now, digital marketing has become a global life which is a new way for a business actor to carry out communication and marketing activities to their consumers. In its development, digital marketing is carried out through various digital media such as cellular technology, websites, social media platforms, and other digital media. This has implications for every business actor to continue to adopt new ways to communicate with consumers through digital media that continues to grow (Alghizzawi, 2019).
Digital marketing adoption (DMA) or efficient and effective use and digital marketing strategies, can be done using digital marketing methods and techniques in the form of websites and/or e-commerce via the internet as a platform to carry out a variety of derivative strategy activities (Gibson 2018, Bala and Verma 2018, Srividhya 2019). Companies are categorized as having adopted digital marketing, if the company has: (1) has a website, (2) conducts electronic/e-commerce trading transactions, (3) carries out marketing through social media, (4) conducts marketing through electronic mail/ email marketing, (5) conducting search engine optimization/SEO, (6) conducting search engine based marketing/SEM, (7) conducting public relations activities digitally/ digital PR, (8 ) using digital advertising,(9) performing digital customer relationship management, (10) using content marketing, (11) conducting affiliate marketing, (12) using electronic bulletins/ online newsletter, (13) using visual banner advertising/ display advertising, (14) using mobile marketing, ( 15) apply digital analytics.
A strategist with a strong background in statistics, media, marketing, and business management. Scientific Researcher, Statistics Specialist, Data Scientist, Digital & Social Media Marketer.