How to Find Your Research Novelty Using SLR and CCP Framework? A Practical Guide

Research novelty refers to research advantages that distinguish one researcher’s research objectives and results from those of other researchers. It seeks to clarify the contribution of this research to existing science. This research novelty becomes very important in the aspect of science, one of which is to increase the accumulation of knowledge found in the world of already known knowledge.

Many researchers struggle or fail to identify the potential for research novelty in the research they plan to conduct. This usually happens because researchers are unable to show the big picture of existing knowledge. They are trapped in a sea of data and information, making it difficult to digest the existing common thread.

Several methods for discovering research novelty have been widely used by those who are already familiar with it.  Dr. Agus Masrianto found an effective way to find research novelty through a simple method, with open access software on the internet. This is a novelty to find research novelty, about how to use the CCP framework to accommodate the results of a qualitative systematic review.

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